Investing for Australia’s Future

Backing Innovation in 
Critical Technologies

Finding, funding and accelerating world-changing innovation at the convergence of critical technologies and industry in Australia.

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About Us

Significant Ventures champions critical technology innovation in Australia – 
building the next generation of high-value companies, capabilities, and industries.

We’re uniquely positioned to back breakthroughs in their earliest stages. Our unrivalled pipeline of investment opportunities is powered by our deep industry relationships, grown through investing in science-based innovation since 2000.

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“I would like to take this opportunity to thank SV for their ongoing support of our business. The ability to have direct, frank, and regular conversation, particularly locally in our Canberra office, has been critical to our success.”

Matt Wilcox
Founder, Fifth Domain

“I highly and without reservation recommend Significant Ventures (SV) as one of the leading early stage venture capital managers that I have had the pleasure of working with, not just within the Australian eco-system, but also globally.”

Gary Aitchison
CEO, Visionary Machines

“I have always been impressed with the highly professional approach taken in all interactions ranging from investment term negotiations, intellectual property strategy, guidance on corporate governance and insights into important strategic matters”

Prof Daniel Shaddock
CEO, Liquid Instruments

Invest with us

We have a deep history in investing in emerging and deep tech startups, partnering with universities, governments and attracting capital to the sector.


Under Management





$100K - $500K

First Cheque Size
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